Sonstige | Kammermusikführer - Villa Musica Rheinland-Pfalz

Besetzung: Sonstige

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Sonstige von John Dowland

"All, ye whom love and fortune hath betray'd"

“All, ye whom love and fortune hath betray’d”

"Awake, sweet love, thou art return'd"

“Awake, sweet love, thou art returned”

"Away With These Self Loving Lads"

“Away With These Self Loving Lads”

"Can she excuse my wrongs?"

„Can she excuse my wrongs“

"Come again"

“Come again”

"Come away, come sweet love"

“Come away, come sweet love”

"Come, heavy Sleep"

“Come heavy Sleep”

"Dye not before thy day?"

“Dye not before thy day”

"Earl of Derby's Galliard"

“Earl of Derby’s Galliard”

"Fine knacks for ladies"

“Fine knacks for ladies”

"Flow my tears"

“Flow my tears”

"Flow not so fast, ye fountains"

“Flow not so fast, ye fountains”

"I must complain"

“I must complain”

"I saw my Lady weep"

“I saw my Lady weep”

"In darkness let me dwell"

“In darkness let me dwell”

"Lady, If you so Spite me"

“Lady If you so Spite me”

"Me, me and none but me"

“Me, me and none but me”

"Queen Elizabeth's Galliard"

“Queen Elizabeth’s Galliard”

"Say love if ever thou didst find"

„Say love if ever thou didst find“

"Sleep, wayward thoughts"

“Sleep, wayward thoughts”

"Sorrow stay"

“Sorrow stay”

"Weep you no more, sad fountains"

“Weep you no more, sad fountains”

"What if I never speed?"

“What if I never speed”


Dowland-Suite (Arrangement_J. Agnas)

Drei Tänze

Drei Tänze

Pavane in C

Pavane in C für zwei Violinen, Viola und B.c.